Recipes — The Boy Who Bakes (2024)

Edd Kimber


Edd Kimber June 21, 2016

Today is the relaunch of my Youtube channel, from today you can expect weekly video recipes with the full recipe of course living here on The Boy Who Bakes. If there is anything you want to see in an upcoming video leave me a comment either on here on Youtube and I will try to make in a future video.

First up on the channel is my all time favourite, Salted Caramel Ice Cream. Frankly you could give me anything Salted Caramel and I would be happy but as it is summer, not that you could tell by looking out the window, I though ice cream would be more appropriate. Thankfully this is an easy recipe and trust me this will become a regular over the summer, its a seriously good ice cream. Just be careful, make sure to invite friends over otherwise you may end up eating it all yourself (I'm speaking from experience).

Salted Caramel Ice Cream
550ml whole milk
200ml double cream
1 tsp flaked sea salt
300g caster sugar
5 large egg yolks
50g skimmed milk powder
1 tsp vanilla extract

Place the milk, cream and sea salt into a small saucepan and place over medium heat until about 50C, hot enough that you cant keep your fingers in the mixture for more than a second or so.

Pour half of the milk mixture into a bowl along with the milk powder and whisk until smooth. Pour this back into the pan and place back on the hob, turning the heat to low.

Meanwhile place the caster sugar into a large, very clean saucepan and over medium heat cook the sugar until it melts and forms a dark brown caramel, the colour of a rusty penny. Resit the urge to stir too much as the more you stir the more the caramel will crystallise and become a big hard lump of sugar.

When the caramel is nice and dark take it off the heat and pour in the milk mixture in two additions, it will bubble up quite violently so go slow and be careful. Once all of the milk mixture has been added if there are any lumps of caramel place the pan back on the heat and stir until the mixture is smooth. Pour the caramel mixture into a bowl with the egg yolks, whisking constantly to prevent the eggs from scrambling and then pour the custard mixture back into the pan and over low heat cook until thickened enough to coat the back of a wooden spoon. To check, the custard should reach 75C-80C when it is ready. Pour the finished custard into the bowl and set over a pan of ice and water and stir until chilled, add the vanilla extract and stir to combine. Cover the bowl and refrigerate overnight before churning in your ice cream machine, according to the manufacturers instructions.

Kept in a sealed container this ice cream will keep for up to a month but is best within a couple of weeks. (homemade ice cream has no stabilisers so doesn't last as long as shop bought).

Edd Kimber February 19, 2016

First off let me apologise, mainly because this tart is a bit of a bugger to make. Difficult? Not especially, its just a bit fiddly and has the tendency to break at a crucial point (more on that later). Secondly it's not particularly seasonal. Normally I wouldn't post a recipe full of beautiful berries until they were in season but the idea for this recipe has been an itch I just had to scratch. Its a fairly standard fruit tart with one major difference, there is a big hole in the middle. It might only an aesthetic thing but I'm completely smitten with the way it looks, somehow both more elegant and refined than the normal round affair. The initial idea came from a picture of a Christophe Michalak recipe who had used the shape for a beautiful raspberry tart. I wish it was as easy as using a specially designed tart tin but I had to get a little bit more improvisational to make this, so more apologies if this is using equipment you don't have (I promise i'll get back to my usual approachable recipes next time, indulge me this once).

I guess it is appropriate that I am posting this today as on Monday I am escaping London, if only briefly, for a quick trip to Paris. A couple of days to wander the streets, indulge in a few (maybe a few too many) pastries and generally lose myself a bit.

For my version of this tart I wanted a riot of colour and flavour so the custard is boosted by passion fruit and the berries are a jumble of blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, cherries and redcurrants with some pistachios to gild the lilly.

That tricky part I mentioned? Well that happens to be the hole, well actually the wall of the tart around the middle. I find my sweet pastry recipe pretty resistant to shrinkage but even a little bit of shrinkage can be a pain in this recipe, if the tart shell shrinks as it bakes the middle can pull apart from the base and even break in half. In one of my tests of the recipe when it did shrink I found it could still be rescued (use beaten egg yolk as a glue to patch it back together, baking for a couple extra minutes until hardened) but bear this in mind when making and make sure to read the tips at the end of the recipe.

Berry and Passion Fruit Tart
Sweet Pastry

200g plain flour
20g ground almonds
35g icing sugar
pinch of salt
125g unsalted butter, diced and chilled
1 large egg yolk
approx 1/2 tbsp ice cold water

Passion Fruit Pastry Cream
285ml whole milk
1 tsp vanilla bean paste
3 large egg yolks
1 large egg
135g caster sugar
35g cornflour
3 passion fruit
250g mixed berries (I used blackberries, raspberries, cherries, blueberries and redcurrants)
pistachios, to garnish (optional)

To make the pastry place the flour, almonds, icing sugar and salt into the bowl of a food processor and pulse until combined. Add the butter and pulse in short bursts until the mixture resembles coarse breadcrumbs. In a small bowl mix together the egg yolks, water and vanilla, add to the food processor and pulse until the pastry just starts to come together. Dont mix until the dough forms a solid mass as this will overwork the pastry and make it tough and risk it shrinking more as it bakes. Tip the dough out onto the worksurface and use your hands to bring together into a uniform dough, forming into a disc and wrapping in clingfilm. Refrigerate the dough for about an hour before using.

To make the pastry cream place the milk into a medium sized saucepan and bring to the boil. In a large bowl whisk together the egg yolks, egg, sugar and cornflour. Pour over the milk and whisk together to combine. Pour the custard back into the pan and over medium/high heat cook until thickened, whisking constantly. Scrape the pastry cream into a bowl and set aside. Cut the passion fruit in half and scoop the flesh into a sieve set over the pastry cream, pushing on the seeds to release the juice. Discard the seeds and mix the juice into the pastry cream. Press a sheet of clingfilm onto the surface of the custard and refrigerate until needed, at least an hour.

Take the pastry from the fridge and cut off a small strip and set aside.Roll out the main pastry on a floured worksurface until about 2-3mm thick. Use to line a 9 inch tart ring, trimming off any excess. Use a 3 inch pastry ring to cut out a disc of pastry from the centre of the tart. Roll out the small strip of pastry until it is about 2-3mm thick and long enough to roll around the pastry ring. Trim the strip so it is the same height as the tart shell. Lightly brush the pastry ring with butter and attach the pastry strip to the ring and press into the hole in the middle of the tart shell. Place the tart shell into the fridge for 30 minutes before baking.

Preheat the oven to 180C (160C fan) and line the tart with a crumpled piece of parchment paper and fill with baking beans or rice (it is easier if the paper has a hole in the middle). Bake in the oven for 20 minutes then remove the parchment and the baking beans and bake for a further 10-15 minutes or until golden brown. Allow to cool for 10 minutes before very carefully removing the pastry ring from the centre of the tart. Spread the chilled pastry cream into the tart shell and top with the berries (my preference is to cut the cherries in half but i'll leave that up to you). Finish with a light dusting of icing sugar and a few pistachios.

Like most fruit tarts this is best served on the day it is made but if you cover with clingfilm and refrigerate it will be good for a couple days longer.

Tips: This recipe will succeed on the quality of the pastry so to prevent it from shrinking there are two things to bear in mind. When adding the water be careful about adding the right amount. Water evaporates from pastry as it bakes and contributes to shrinkage, so adding too much can make it shrink further. Secondly be very careful not to overwork the pastry. The more you handle it the tougher it can end up and the more it will shrink.

Recipes — The Boy Who Bakes (2)

It is finally December so I am letting the grinch have his happy ending and slowly getting into the festive spirit. I have been working on Christmas for probably half of this year, imagine pretending it is Christmas for photoshoots in the middle of summer, or writing recipes for Christmas leftovers when everyone else is sunning themselves on a beach somewhere. To some people that sounds like heaven but I like to keep the holidays special, celebrating Christmas even a day before December the 1st just seems wrong. This recipe might seem familiar to some of you, those who have been reading The Boy Who Bakes for years, because I first posted it way back in 2011, unfortunately when I moved my site over to the new design my hosting company deleted my entire blog and with it all the recipes So to make friends and influence people, here is that recipe.

No apologies but this recipe is not the most classic version mince pie, actually its basically the gilded lily of mince pies. Traditionally made with a simple shortcrust pastry I use a sweet pastry, rich with vanilla beans, and as buttery as can be. The filling might be a traditional mincemeat but lurking underneath that dried fruit is a little nugget of almond paste, which just makes a rich tart that bit richer, and trust me it’s delicious! My family have been making a version of these pies for years, since I was little, and in my eyes they're hard to beat.

If you want to make a big batch of these, the great news is that they freeze wonderfully. Simply bake and cool fully before freezing on a parchment lined tray until solid, then bagging or boxing up (done this way they shouldn't freeze together as a block). Made at the start of the month you can have warm mince pies whenever you want through the christmas season.

Mince Pies
Makes 15-20

600g Mincemeat, shop bought or homemade
200g marzipan or almond paste, shop bought or homemade
1 large egg, lightly beaten

Sweet Pastry
1 vanilla pod
400g plain flour
35g ground almonds
75g icing sugar
pinch of salt
250g unsalted butter, diced and chilled
2 large egg yolks
approx. 1 tbsp ice cold water

To make the pastry cut the vanilla pod in half through the middle and scrape out the seeds. Add to the bowl of a food processor along with the flour, almonds, icing sugar and salt. Pulse a handful of times until everything is mixed evenly. Add the butter and pulse until the mixture resembles coarse breadcrumbs. Add the egg yolks and the water and pulse briefly just to distribute, but stopping well before the dough comes together as a ball (the finished texture should be crumbly). Tip the dough out onto the work surface and use your hands to bring together into a uniform dough. Divide the dough into two batches, flatten into discs and wrap in clingfilm, refrigerating for at least an hour or until firm.

Recipes — The Boy Who Bakes (3)

Roll out a piece of the dough on a lightly floured worksurface, rolling to about 3mm thick. Use an 8cm round cookie cutter to cut out as many discs as you can, setting the trimmings aside. Use the pastry discs to carefully line the holes of two 12xhole bun trays. Repeat with the second piece of dough, cutting out 6cm lids. Briefly knead the scraps of dough back together and re-roll cutting out extra discs for more pies. Take the almond paste and roll into small balls, pressing into flat discs and pacing into the base of each pie. Fill each pie level with mincemeat, don't overfill as the pies have a tendency to leak and glue themselves to the tins if you do. Dip your finger in the egg and run around the edge of each mince pie and top with a lid, pressing gently together to seal. Use a knife or a fork to press a couple holes into the lids and finally brush the lids with the remaining egg. Chill the pies for 20-30 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 180C (160C fan). Once the pies are chilled bake for 25-30 minutes or until the pastry is a golden brown. Allow to cool in the trays for 10 minutes before carefully lifting out and setting onto a wire rack to cool completely.

Kept in a sealed container these will keep for a week.

You can use homemade mincemeat if you like or even just improve a shop bought version. I like to add some diced stem ginger to shop bought mince meat just to make it a little extra special.

This recipes use a traditional shallow bun tin, if you use a muffin tin your pastry bases will need to be a little bigger so you will make less, around 15.

Recipes — The Boy Who Bakes (4)

Edd Kimber August 12, 2015

Is there such thing as a micro-trend, something happening in just a few places but which feels like the start of something? I don't know,but it definitely feels like ice cream sandwiches are having a moment, three new street food traders have popped up recentlyhere in London, all selling variations of that frozen piece of deliciousness and I'm definitely taken with the idea, actually I'm smitten. Blu-Top Ice Cream is by far the best of the bunch, trading with Kerb, and on Saturdays at my favourite new market, Druid St. Richard, the ice cream peddler behind Blu-Top, creates a choose your own ice cream adventure, letting you choose the ice cream, the cookies and the topping, meaning an endless array of flavours and that's part of the fun, creating the perfect sandwich for you. He is also currently collaborating with Bread Street Kitchen on a special ice cream sandwich dessert menu, available until the end of August, so check that out!

Recipes — The Boy Who Bakes (5)

Having a freezer lying empty and crying out for some ice cream I whipped up a batch of oatmeal cookies and some rum raisin ice cream and turned them into sandwiches, and theyactually make brilliant prepare ahead desserts, simply whack them in the freezer and they are there waiting for hungry mouthswhenever the mood strikes. Make sure that you don't keep themin the freezerfor too long as homemade ice cream, made without stabilisers, starts to lose quality after a couple of weeks.

Rum and Raisin Ice Cream Sandwiches
Makes 15

Oatmeal Cookies
125g unsalted butter, room temperature
200g caster sugar
100g light brown sugar
2 large eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
250g plain flour
3/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp fine salt
1 tsp ground cinnamon
150g rolled oats

Rum Raisin Ice Cream
500ml double cream
250ml whole milk
5 large egg yolks
150g caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla bean paste
125g raisins
60g dark rum

To make the ice cream place the cream and milk into a large saucepan and place over medium heat and bring to theboil. Meanwhile place the egg yolks, sugar and vanilla bean paste into a large bowl and whisk together until combined. Pour the cream mixture over the yolks and whisk to combine. Pour the custard back into the pan and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the custard thickens enough to coat the back of a wooden spoon (if you have a thermometer it should reach between 75-80C). Pour the custard into a clean bowl, pressing a sheet of clingfilm onto the surface of the custard, refrigerating overnight until thoroughly chilled.

Place the raisins and the rum into a small bowl and cover with clingfilm, setting aside at room temperature until ready to churn the ice cream.

Churn in your ice cream machine according to the manufactures instructions. As the ice cream is almost finished churning tip in the raisins and the remaining rum (should be no more than 2 tbsp remaining) Once the ice cream is finished place into a container and freeze for a couple hours before serving.

To make the cookies place the butter and the sugars into a large bowl and using an electric mixer beat together until light and creamy, about 5 minutes. Add the eggs and vanilla extract and beat until combined. Mix together the remaining ingredients and add to the bowl with the butter and gently mix together to form a soft cookie dough. Press a piece of clingfilm onto the surface of the dough and refrigerate until firm, at least four hours.

To bake, preheat the oven to 180C (160C fan) and line two baking trays with parchment paper. Divide the dough into 30 portions and roll into small balls. Place the cookies onto the prepared baking trays leaving a couple inches between each ball (you may need to bake in batches depending on the size of your trays). Dip a glass into flour and use to press each ball of dough flat (about 1cm thick). Bake in the preheated oven for 12-14 minutes or until very lightly browned around the edges. Allow to cool on the trays for 10 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.

To assemble place a scoop of ice cream onto half of the cookies and sandwich together with a second, pressing together to squish the ice cream towards the edges. If you want to dip the sandwiches in chocolate melt 300g of dark chocolate in a bowl set over a pan of simmering water and stir in 3 tbsp sunflower oil, setting aside to cool for a few minutes before dipping halfway into chocolate, setting onto parchment to set (the oil helps keep the chocolate fluid when dipping but also helps it set).

Edd Kimber

Recipes — The Boy Who Bakes (2024)
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