The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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Help Winded Mali 2a Kelp Wanted Male Want Ad Index J9M riend may call al MeOKny te Johnston un tri He i4 Bret Lakewood Home 14133 Detroit Muuly Ave center 11 2d St ajd Av uneral Saturday Oc' 9 1J Like £hd where cervices will Mobil I I alter Diemakers WILS 44 45 Now working overtime Help Wanted Male Chevrolet Cleveland ADMINISTRATIVE SALES57 cal ffic nar deMr and Diemaker 46 47 Must Be A 4h 4h Tremont Tool 46 Want 46 8003 Clinton Rd 46 46 50 olding Machine Cleveland 49 iarfield eUhls I Operator 46 Pattern Makers 50 51 18223 Rockland 47 see 12737 Euclid Ave 15 Personals Business Notices Drivers Between the Ages ot CE 1 0910 24 and 50 PLANT AUDITOR Yel ow 7 Lost and Rewards Horizontal Mean Two Squads 2020 3d St Architects direct from our trat: other a Senior Structural Detailers Cmrf jin airview Charlie the rlvth Lorain Ave 1 child net Tt fliLT KT rnv I pr in Saturday good Technician ENGINEER CUSTODIAN DRIVE Operators on Dexter olders Vi ant Hani ant Want Want Waal 50 50 TAZEWELL Chief Draftsman for Rnt (Laal) for Kml (Vteet) Agencies Must have a certified appren ticeship or classified as jour neymen for 13 years Afternoon shift Good hourly rate pluy cost of living and other benefits YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU Div of General Motors Corp Brookpark near 130 Inatrttetfon Wanted f'r male Wanted Male Wanted hateamen ord Motor Co Cleveland Stamping Plant Box 426 Bedford Minimum of 5 experience checking details assemblies and layouts for development and pro duction Salary day sveek Many Employee Benefit Apply Personnel Dept openings at ord Motors NEW CLEVELAND STAMPING PLANT uburliin (East) HibtirLen Property (We t) Hotel Hours Houses Rental Uni Lent Rent Kent Rent Rent Rent Rent Rent Rent Combination and loorman Experienced to handle 60 man plating and polishing dept in plant making automotive die cats and accessories amiliar with quality plating of copper nickel chrome Salary benefits 494 a4990 PLEASE PHONE WANT ads early Job shop experience Good working conditions ringe benefits Sales Correspondent Engineers and Apply in person or write Hours 8 a 4:30 Mon thru ri 9 a 4 Sat Engineering Checker Inspector (Body Panel Checker) 4 part menu Houses i) a t) 47 Hou (Wert) 47 Because of the largb vol ume cf orders advertisers are earnestly requested to place their ads before noon To receive the most helpful service ads for Sunday should be placed early in the week Must have experience in general accounting cost and payroll good opportunity ivith a large progressive Southeast company State all particulars to Box 2141 5 Plain Dealer SALES correspondent who kno Ct ores nd can type own letters Box 8332 Hln Dealer Ort 8 at the Cohn Marrow by 1" Memorial Chpel 773 105th In lieu ot flower please make donations to Mul tiple Srlemsls fund amily will observe eek nt moumlna at the residence Sir and Mn Max Zaaa 13323 Ed SILCES anted: 1st tenor and so prano frr Catholic church choir cbm Cell WY sron METAI Exceptional opportunity lor man xpe enced in jobbing work: salary based on ability write slating qualification and experience Box 38836 Plain Dealer PHARMACIST: Part time 16200 St Clair PHOTOGRAPHER Permanent must have Rollel Strobe equipment: will train 3100 week aal ary PR 1 1320 Manufacturer located north east Cleveland selling na tionally made item of steel may provide an opportunity to sell nur product prefer college gtaduate technical experience nr education pre ferred but not required Salary 5 day 40 hour week Reply Box 21615 Plain Dealer Daniels uneral Home 15800 Detroit Ave Call Us Day or Night BO 2 5149 BO 2 5150 ULL TIME Also Part Time Openings or Our 2 to 7 Shift Opportunities are being of fered to draftsmen experi enced in the preparation of eel details for shop fabri cation of industrial building frame works Good working conditions paid holiday establishes! va cation and sick leave plans hourly rate Applications should be made in person to Oct 9 The Austin Co Bliss Steel abrication Division 1245 222 St IV 1 3000 Mrltir Stflrtje Parking Pcnenri Businrs Notice Kepah Snl D16 D32 Night shift top rate PARAKEET lost blue cob ll: nfwe to name nf Toby Vicinity Beverly Hills district Euclid Reward Phone IV 1 2A2O TEACHER: Part time for basic trinity 775 88th St Architectural: Building design and services Mechanical and Chemical Plant 1 ay out process nip conveyors REAL ESTATE Mnenins inr mmr? of floor time 'arietj homes full copetf! rnmmisrmn siua' time uday PETRLLaA LIMKUEHLER 3211 Lorain Realtors WO 1 7650 World Publishing Co 2231 110 pay corni urrundh De Operator Experience on 403 and 604 Wiring SALARY AA CLIVEIANB MAIN MAHR OCTO HH TQVASClVICH DAVID ot 34o3 60lh St beloved husband Marl (nee JLaurt: dear father of Martha Jone Donald Dents Sperk vep fatber of Antonia CRbalo jrandfatner cf 4: yreat rrandfather cf 2 brother of Gnorge (deceavedi and Peter Mica Grerny Bow Mtody Milos Chrlafe 11 Vionlkvll lendi mav call at the fun JUOJ IDUnoun 3 Senicea Saturday at WAI Jne nf the Ute Georre sister of Mrs Alexander Bruce and the late orre Robewr: aunt of Catherine Minter and William Biuee: sUter in iaw ot Mrs Janes Watt ard I'r and Mi John Witt riends re ceived at the Dourheny unet Heme 13613 Euclid AM Services on riday Ixclorj Warehouse Site 1 rm si to Rent furnished Apartments (East) urnunea urnhhed nrnlthml Hjuxrkeepinr aol Housckeepir Htel) OffieM I)ek Room Rooms Hoard (Lart) Room B' ard (teat) Suburban I'roperly Towmotor Corp 1226 152 St Bareaa Male LATHE HAND HOURLY RATE West Side resident preferred THE UPSON WALTON CO12300 Ave off W)1T LATHE OPERATOR EXPERIENCED GREAT LAKES MG CORP GL 1 3500 Canvassers AND Salesmen and appliances: opportunity to make MACHINE ASSEMBLY Aaeamhlv nf llehf ftllirhlneR bench work 40 hoir week oo4 hourly Mte ani other benefits CALL MR BASS EX 1 0225 THE OSBORN MG CO 5401 HAMILTON AVE (METAL) Please Call Mr Wilson WI 1 6200 EXTENSION 534 or interview appointment or us in person at Employment Office on Engle Rd touth of Brookpark Rd ord Motor 1 7601 Brookpark Rd PRESSER: Quality worker: hourly or weekly rate Rialto Cleaners 1889 25 PR 1 6531 PRESSMAN: Kelly and vertical hourly rate: permanent Kull Co 1051 Power Ave CH 1 4337 PROOREADER: Printer or proof reader for modern plant doinp high grade composition and printing Gd salary to one who qualifier Give full particulars with application Rcapp Typographic 256 James St Akron NW CAR TO HOLLY rOT MT TU n561 TOCK BOY OR HARDWARE STORE Prefer Hungarian speaking Apply 0003 Buckeye Positions available on long term program for qualified architects group leaders de signers and draftsmen exper ienced in one of the follow ing phases of industrial plant design Employment imuhitnkent rmuk Initrortlon Male Help Telephone Solicitors Experienced: vnrk trera our office evenlncs 417S per Pour App'v morn Ing 10 to 13 8826 Carnegie Nclmor Lake Erie Plating Co 26420 LAKELAND BLVD EUCLID Interview call John McAndrews PR 1 6857 Experienced only Capable of repairing sets in field Ex cellent starting salary and employee benefit perma nent 1 1 Barter and Swap will" adcS200 WllvoT Gee tapend dlk recorder for 1038 Dcdge 2 oor in jckmJ py any rea on TQ 1 074? after 5:30 WILL ao duma truck I'M Or power roller for Jwp with snow plow in on GA 1 3750 Pip heating and ventilating air condi tioning process equipment Invout plumbing machine design tanks and vessels instrumentation Electrical: Power lighting layouts and electrical controls Structural: Structural steel and reinforced concrete These positions offer salaries with excellent work ing conditions: paid vacations sick leave plan rrN ien: blnfv hw and usd awntnet for 2 part icwcrs S' '1AW BAlTTC lOrllt ll Distinction r50 tainogle ba 1 7900 openkv' lowery 71iranhd JONES' RUSSELL lorist of 'Dlstinrtion 1026 (Accounts Welcome) MA 1 8545 Manager Trainee Ho experience necesary Aze 23 35 If yuu are locklne for a career an4 not a job and ha arafluaated fron high school apply he Secure plcvnt salary rapid advancement msuiance pension fund and many other employee benefits Car neces sary SEE SWICK Room 208 Park Bldg Between 9 and 5 exrent Saturday Domestic inance Apply in person tn A Service Co Inc 529 r0 WJ 1 X1OW (Conttnard on Next Page) DRATSMAN Experienced in machinery draw ings with engineering back ground 5 day week good working company paid benefits Cleveland Worm fc Gear Co 3249 SO St VII 3 4560 Boring Mill Operator Job shop experience nn die jis and fixture Night shift Hourly rate plus overtime CERTIIED MAGNALtrX OPERATOR HOURLY RATE 2D sh*t Steel Improvement and Co 97Q ST i mvnixAgk nun I tAgttl' A nniv nt in all spotted: trardini hmes and all box tUIU: IWmm ring mile trark in Ide tralnintt rin cross country tuila pasture? and rttrcUe lot Act 7rteks MoUrcy'iea Bicycles 51 BCM Vm OPORTlXiHES Buslneu DpportaaHlet t47 LLblSksS tlXVW Barter and Swap 44 bducwtlonal 45 Distributors Salesmen IS YOUR INCOME TOO LOW? Have your vwn business! xManufaturar will start you No in simnt necessary to quallt14 men New revoiutlonary products No competition Earnings un limited Profit from bls discount on purchases Apply Mon between 9:30 11:30 2 4 LEE PRODUCTS CO Real Estate We need two experienced sales people to help us round out our present and future proeram Incentive and hnnus plan: mod ern office call for more de tails: strictest confidence HILLTOP TORO hknd 5 tractor anw plow plow disc cultivator seHins nnlon hn' varattan with completely modm shop conpenlal gifiti var naw mict toed man Printing Service Inc 1203 VINE AVE WARREN OHIO ENGINE LATHE OPERATOR MUST BE EXPERIENCED MILAN TOOL CO PR 1 4722 INANCE TRAINEE It you are looking for a permanent position with real job security and 21 30 yrs of age pleaae see us car necessary: must be hifh school grad uates See Mr Ertell jr 247 Euclid ave Ohio Loan Discount Co REALTY INC a 5140 Mayfield Rd HI uttice vpen Daily BQLSKLN CARL beloved husband Oct 0 from St Georee a Syrian Or of Mary (Arnold: brother cf Edward thodox Church 2587 14lb at at mv A 1 1 A receiver Aruziv at the NEW Nickels uneral Home 1 Tuad eve i i 1 a va avcj i BOOSE CORA BELLE Chamber xountt of Lakewood la irlhnr be I rt trandmothrr cf Donna: sitter neral Hott West Ealm ft Dr ChimberUm erxircs will Le hM rL'r Photo Studio Work Man for dark room end all round lab work Must be experienced Apply 8 to 5 20471 Euclid Ave (No phone calk pleaseu PIN SETTERS: Leagues every night' Shaker Snuare Bowl SK 1 3460 Representative WANTED To represent reputable firm enyaeed in designing and building of jl fixtures gauger machine tools and speeclal ma chinery DETROIT SERVICE ENGINEERING 20506 Sherwood Avenue Detroit 3Mlch SALESMAN Pharmaceutical: local territory: ages 27 35: premedic predental degree in biological science or equivalent in re lated experience: nationally known drug mfg salary car and expense account: unusually good opportunity for right person Write glvinr pertinent data and local phone number Box 6736 Plain Dealer CLERK I'or trucking company house 8 to 5 5 day Typing essential age 35: salary Box 8532 Plain Dealer COCT a Ant wanted Locate in small town 30 miles southwest of Cleveland Wine rutin: age oenrnte etc ruv iuw Dealer 4 MIM'K PERIIIA Oct 8 1953 Many a ailnt heartache Often a trer Rm alv'Avs beautiful memories Of c'ne we lnv! yp dwr LOVING HUAPAMD CHILDREN AND 5 uneral Directors Experienced In layout end fabrtcatlmt In small and medium she parts: inter esting work in electronic industry excellent workinr conditions hourly rate plus employee benefits HANDBAG lost: Black Korday Bulkier Blvd and Edgewater Park: dropped from car Run 4 a reward $25 PR 1 2 1 7 HEYS lost brown? leather ilnper case Initial vicinliy Mount Sipai Hospital and Art Museum no questions Med reward MO 2 7300 MEAT platter Large Oct 2: In Hlg Crek Shelter House Metropolitan Park oil Snow Rd Sentiment value Reward CL 1 5481 after 5 SALES ENGINEER An old established mfr of gears and i power transmission equipment LUMBER yard requires retail counter unusual opportunt for a qutllfied salesman experienced with estimating Engineering background deslr and sales salary discussed at Inter ble but not necessary will provide view VU 3 4433 thorough training to successful applb TTtvvrv ivrr x'faxr Permanent position Salam and MAINILNANCE MAN pnceutlve including profil ahaptng pian MIH 4 fully paid insurances Exceptional for advancement with tho Mhmrtl and best known standard fMp Tfr experrfxnc Si i tet Box 3936 power tranrnlsrlnr mill whn jw? rta1 hardwire rkctriceJ auto OICE BOY nr part time Mut motive pl'imbinr and hearing supplies type $1 per heu Phone SU 1 9100 'etc wnujq be neiptui rnone for appointment pfA 1 5140 for appointment 1 lfit in vicinity of and Eranch answers to name whippoorwill call SALESMEN ASSISTANT MANAGER Highly rated old company operating na tionally in the home service field 'hat Immediate opening In this area for sales men 25 or over ear necessary no ex tensive traveling top commissions paid in full ueekiv fhe man a rt ulli while ha' employment security and will be under groomed to assist sales manager In op AUTO SERVICE WRITE UP MAN Must be experienced complete shoo detail: steady work good salary all benefits: start at once See Al Redinger EAST END NASH 15829 EUCLID AVE Awning Hangers To take don awnings Culp Awning 11200 Superior BARBER: Expr'ienced: name your own price steady 646 185 BARBER: Sat oi part time guarantee: Bis 58il Plain Dealer CUSTODIAN: Couple white: in ex rhutme for suite garage Bex 23032 Plain Dealer MECHANIC To service commercial cooking equip ment steady position 44 hour veek: good starting salary to experienced man Apply 1547 St Clair MECHANIC and truck driver experl erced Box 21436 Plain Dealer MU LT I LI TH OPERATOR ADVERTISING AGENCY Opportunity to learn developing this phase your own direction: color work handle all chases of tlrn salary commensurate with volume Box 31736 Plain Dealer IREMAN STATIONARY Licensed man good all round electrical plumbing experience: single live in: room plus salary automatic gas heaL Apply Hotel Belmont 2 to 5 Jn only Mr Manning I WAKE UP SERVICE CALL 1 OR Large deulrle mw and Trmmae I HAND CCCITO VU 3 SeM Sales Correspondent National Company Will accept applications fromvoun" man with some adver tising background for salesoffice work with chance for advancement permanent (Position salary 5 day 10 Ihour week Box 32432 Plain Dealer 1 Ojith and mral Notices 1 1 OeMh nd ansral Notices GOKN IM A 77nee Skornal be STERLING JOHN real liner oj mry tvcnri rmusav htr eirtane IhrtahanA nf Rrftta fulhr Of V1U tn4 Jean Am Ov oJPatri' may rail at the SVirv Leaving 'tat for Dallas Austin Tex will share driving expenses lth 1 2 persons EV I Q331 BOYS 9 to 12 to sing in Trinity Cathedral Choir Euclid and 22: bus fares III be paid PR 1 3630 PRINTING large small jobs EasontKl Prompt Johnson Printing Co 1245 103 Pickup deliver SW 1 85 2 2 OR complete clambake service Jerry lauto 1 6470 SK 1 1815 ur ten tog our htt Hurter rasa Leri Mary McCann at Charles Melbourne XIZ lonial Home 127? Lt Eucii Get 6 tf 1 MARY AMANDA SOSSUN erguson Co plinl Engineer Kuildcrs COUNTERMAN" i Must be dependable P'd slry Appl I Cleveland 14 OllIO cilice Tstyburter System 81071 Houeh Ave between 10 nd 131 A WOOD VAUD CH APTER VtSzJ? NO VC7 bets re requested to tend er ke tor our lite I if tr Mry Crce McCann turdy Oct 9 at 1 rn 1 CM' Melbourne A Son CoIOM Heme 57777 Euclid Me DOROTHY SRAIL I ISABELLE BATT Sec REE All th 35 mm film cartridges you need no purchase necessary hms eloped hourly service low prices not connected vltn ary other photo com pany or camera shop New 35 mm 12 color film only 8148 In cludes proce slnr Eey parking front and rear Disnlay famous brand? photo equipment must go at rtdicuhu I rices Brand nw but shop worn fully guaranteed tape recorders cameras screens lenses projectors paper Llm chemicals gadget ba 1 carry en lrgers etc Used Cannon 535: Leica LU Al IOMOBILLS An i jf 32 Hhtjrtih at 12 nncn (RiMi roRA I stint of Curt Le and Homer Bradley Smith: on Thurs day Oct 7 1934 a 13802 Lake Shore Blvd ButenahL lends my i all ROM 7 9 RIDAY at the Rlrear uneral Hom? 13136 LucVd Ave at Idlewned where Tvic will be hId Saturday Oct 9 30 IIADLO beloved husband of Laut a 'nee Karam) dr brother cfi I4irl lnm in n' entbilC 7'3 in aw Of Mr a ZAz 1 3730 Newark Ave may caa svi jwui the Rinert uneral Home Inc (Parlor i brother of THUBSDAY uneral rvte4 riday Mrs Irene Szabo and WHVam: kjo Oct 8 from St Georees Syrian ur Sales Executive National company many lywrs CiWind o'tns a permanent Mies yusH(m alert aggrpsivt man ondv 35 applicant must married and have successful sales background or be accustomed to dealing with the public: lifetime position carries very subdsntial income if yod qualify or information call Mr Lehner CH 1 2260 Sales Wanted Real Estate 50 bALE MiSC ELLAN LOL 5 Aortior Marine bunplln Clothing urs Repairs Applies Hones block arm Tools Maciihierr ivob Motors Phncv Musical tntrnmmts Sale Diamonds Jewelry Sale lloysrliuid Goods Sal Ml'relhneoun Store and Office ixlurs Typewriters Office Machines Wanted Gold I) amends Wanted Miscellaneous DRUGSTORE: Ery for prt time hour 1v rate 4900 Broadway ELECTRICIAN General Plant Maintenance Hourly rate EBERHARD MG CO 2734 TENNYSON RD tNear 89th Buckeyc Hr REASONABLE RATES HI 2 5381 HlRTnDAYS Ralph Sin 1 nrertt PR 1 2I9I LQ i AC1 ODICN leasers expert Inairtictiun A LLCORDS 8 Out) brand new 78 and 25c erh A 1TV 8521 Hough i RUBBER Oder by 1 1 061 4 'SPONSOR toy pstty enjoy a of rrn wn riet ON 1 1450 DIEMAKERS Day shift: hourly rate: overtime plug i excellent employee benefits The Columbia Metal Stamping Co 11900 HARVARD AVE DIE MAkeR Must be thoroughly experienced A 1 All replies treated with confidence Minimum 50 hours: all fringes and excellent working conditicns Killer Tool De Inc 5601 Tillman WO 1 2440 jDIEaMAKERS: Musi be clas A steady anfk with many benefits lev el a nd DI 1 1740 IREMAN LICENSED And aom maintenance: 40 hours: sal ary Apply chief engineers office Woman's Hospital 1940 101 LORAL designer: Male or female: steady position: top salary for top notch person Apply in person or call Orban's lower Shop 11520 Buckeye Rd RA 1 1500 Rent bhare Ulnlcr Resorts WAMID TO RLNT urnished Apartments I urnished House Housekeeping Rooms Room Ibooms Hoard suburban Property to Rent Apartments Rent Garages Barns Iq Rent Houses REAL LblATL xchange Real I state Home Building Out of town Real Estate bale Apartments bites bale UusinCja Property Sale actories Sites hale arms and Acreage Brookij I'arma bale Houses Last Eat Euclid sou th bou thrust Heirhis rifnrl Mun! Itivhi Warrensville bale Heights bouth 1 uclid Lyndhurst Mayfield Heights Beach wood Pepper Pike 30 bale Houses Lakewood Rocky River Rai ain irw 4ft Pah Hnu eM Southwest Kerr 4 8 1 2823 Lo ftln Ave bale Lots 50 aarreri Younr sadv for Dart time: nn a salary ipxjj Mimron lenses projectors paper Elm gadget ba 1 cany rn with new flash gun ototron 1623 Superior near 16 St Bad Debts Notes Receivable BOUGHT OR COLLECTED AST ACTION Head Mercantile A Collection Service 1JH 1 Schonld Billy MA 1 7662 ILMS DEVELOPED 35c Including 8 beautiful enlarged prints 12 50c Reprints 4 each Write for free film mailers Serving the nation for 20 vears WILLARD aSTUDIOS Knx 3536 Cleveland SALESMEN ULL OR PART TIME make no deliveries make no collections carrv no heavy equipment make no investment take no risks whatsoever no right work do no paper work do nn nkh pressure selling call SU 1 7660 9 4 call RE 1 7069 eves Salcsmcn Bible Have Immediate openings for 5 men to sell Marian edition of the Catholic Bible In honor of th Marian year CaH TO 1 2245 9 a to 12 noon SALESMEN neat appearance salary $50 week plus: will train Direct sales Interview 424 Euclid PR 1 1 661 A 1 A ENT Experience not essential $95 a week tn start if euallfied man who la limit ed in his present employment who la Intelligent aid ambitious: phone i SU 1 8623 for appointment SALS WORK Man with car Interested in earning SlftO a week or more Call CE 1 1972 SALES WORK security advancement80 tn over 5100 week tn start Must have ambition personality and car MO 2 3916 SAUSAGE maker: Must be European trained Regal Sausage Co 780 1 52 rear SHEET METAL MECHANIC Accurate Machine Jool Inc 3130 93 St HOSPITALIZATION SALESMEN We win furnish all the leads you can handle OUR MEN MAKE MONEY Se Bob Jones WHK Bldg Room 3010 4900 Euclid Ave HOTEL clerk: 'fiddle aged preferred experience not necessary references Mlary Box 26327 Plain Dealer and Jerry Wagner and Pfcter Lariy and monton Ave Jam jSnw 1 Ort 7 rl nd 'zAi WILLIAM btloved husband or Ih? te Chrltm: unrt nt Mr JTnm lard Son A Raper Kunde Mrs Helen Hodes ot Chlcao East Blvd ATER 3 RIDAY Arei schlacht and Ceoree red where service will held bturdy 'rlc Tuesday Ort 5: late residence Oct 9 at 3 Cleveland City Hospital riend mr LAIBACIIIR IIIIISE II inee Wn'r call at Kautmann i Son uneral leru wire the lat Alexander Ll Home 3305 25th whe beloved mother nt Wanda 1 Tvtta I acrvlcei will be held on riday Oct 6 and Alma Lean: sister ot Mathilde at 6 0 Interment nd rave ide nut" 1 Clifton Ka i Alma nob rls servkea 1 Oakland Cemetery San of IndUnapolls Ind and the VVH fluky on Saturday Oct 9 at ikifl winrfrun 'AMnjrtt Dot 3 1954 her hnm was al 1889 I yTt Ml RM AN7EH ei en 1 Ka lal 1 1111 Abb ru livia ii7 ien at siia nTt Dounie Aons 'oinniai rome 1 i Ave vhere services will be held riday Oct 8 M2 1 1 VOs7 PA I Kl Jbrioved husband ot Lorerin mee O'Malley) father of James and Lavern Banner rnedHe Brennan Mona Thompson of Penn slyvania: son of Blanche brother of Mary Conway Thomas Ron Sanger Michael Marguerite Duffy rancis Cummings Kathleen Hane Tranche Eberhart Joseph and andfath Ort 6: residence 12417 Madison Ave riends may call at the Cham bers uneral Home 4420 Rocky River Dr uneral services Saturday Ott 9 at 11 a Interment Holy Cross 1 CLEVELAND ASSEMBLY NO 7 15 are LA A Irt f9tvi the ftj 0 neral cf Mrs w'iibur 7 Me 45 a Cann at tne uiswww46i uneral Home 12777 Euclid 43 46lAve Saturday Ojt 9 1 MRS GOMMEL MRS HERMAN DAVIS Pee a 20 4 47 ACCOUNTANT bookkeeper: Experienced 49 murt be able to keP entire set books 1 machine posting: Mlaeyt P1M PPl7 rtn person do not telephone Geen Road 44 itumber Millwork Co 689 Green 4 4 soup Tucltd ACOUNTANT: To assist with bookkeep 44 ling and general office work mjng eetablihed company Box 25336 4 0 I ptn Dealr PR 1 4605 'cook gjnrt order: Split rhtf Lindy' re taurant I'oti ljcho a ti BARTENDER Experienced good salary and oppor tunity Nn Sundays Chesterfield Bar 748 Prospect Ave SU 1 3739 54 BARTENDER: Experienced and ambl 49 tinus: good wages for fast man no 54 tethers need apply B780 Ridge Rd BILLING TSTtn hAHrlw nurt time I Call EX 1 4342 for personal Interview Body Men 2 combination bodv and men: ex perienced immediate placement Box 0932 Plain Dealer BOX salesman staplin' distributor has confidential offer which will give you income for leads: will not interfere with preterit employment Box 23132 Plain Dealer Brush Operator ON ISHER BRUSH MACHINES Experienced only ned nply older man preferred steady position DOWNTOWN MA 1 0999 SALESMAN or interstate common carrier: A reputation: experience necessary salary Boxl 5636 Plain Dealer SALESMAN: furnishings: expert enced: good salary Apply In person at Belkin's 3095 25 A LE SM A Live wire interested in el lin i nsurance WI 1 4786 SALESMAN and general store work Apply in person only 805 185 SALES MANAGER TRAINEES Established Corporation selling coast to coast will train fight men who are willing to relocate in other Metropolitan areas as Sales Managers of additional wholesale retail operations now being established Ou commission salesmen earn from $5000 to $10000 yearly sales managers $10000 and up Trainees will start at the bottom and work through all phases during the next few months Preference shown men with successful experience in direct sell ing and managing a commission sales force position permanent with estab lished well rated corporation or per sonal Interview telephone Mr Brandt ON 1 7788 SALES MANAGER 35 50 or top sales position with 50 year old manufacturer of maintenance products specializing In roof coatings must have proven ability recruit and inspire commission salesmen in direct sales should have experience in handling cor respondence this Is nation wide in scone and has real potential for man of ability and solid character: reasonable salary guarantee coupled with liberal share of profits: to merit Interview give complete employment record and sales background Box 30035 Plain Dealer I Seat li and uneral Notices Grimwt) roi Neil Max rim JIAt GHMX'i tMOKY tiv ho' 94th st: passed away at the home nf Egglerton Mentor Serv xi tftft rlvurv Luthean (Sorch Ixckvood sod veiid Avts riends ray call at the uneral Home Paintsville Buxa Crown Hill Cemetery BLUHM WALTER beloved husband of the late Marie faibr of Mtt Ruth Rudyk: grandfather of Mary Ann Barba a and David: rather ot Mn Airra Hellman: passed 7 drtdy Thursday 'its iwdtttef 8858 Royal Parkway Parma riends re ceived ATER 4 RIDAY al Gustav Buesch A Son uneral Home 3111 Broadview Rd Service Saturday Oct 9 at 2 TV money Will dose jour deals Apply 10328 St Clair CARPENTER General plant maintenance Hourly rate EBERHARD MC CO 2734 TENNYSON RDNear Buckeye! CARPENTERS Must have seve al experience In stalling all types of metal weather strics on windows and doors: union man not over 35 yrs old: steady work also some arehouse carpentry work Bex Plain Dealer UNION A MECHANIC'S ONLY ROUGH AND INISH OSBORN RD Bay Village CARPENTERS' A house men only32 Lawnwood oft fearl Parma Heights wthinr worker East aide call or Mr STELLAR STOER IXC '531 CTrtM EX CUSTODIAN Vhllj baby ietssVir tut Sid reference Post 1 Must be 1st eks: day and nlfat shifts 1 Office Bex 191ft Cleveland hh hourly ntc OL 1 1144 Irma Moebius fandmother and great inuraiar ftOftrt Iftftfh 'W Utirit ree' st the NEW Nlrkeh uneral Home 1 on 1 77 rv cr will be hrid Monday Hour later rvY Het Cemrtem MAlKtNT beloved hustand Anna fnee Klawitter: father of William Dennis Patrick Rita Thomas A ary Jan Rrtanger James and erd fattier brother of William and ElTa id ill Ul iwtn M'UI'II lU''ri auggekis contrlbuHoPS to the Gieve reriden 4095 Reeky Rivr Dr riends BRUSH Electronics Co 3631 PERKINS AVE DIV CLEVITE CORP SHOEMAKER: Experienced If qualified for managing shne repair shop $80 week to start days GL 1 1957 SHOE salesman: Experienced preferred Allen's Shoes 730 Euclid SINGERS tenors Trinity Cathedral Euelld 22 $4 per Sun PR 1 3630 STENOGRAPHER full or hourly rate Box 28536 Plain Dealer SODA OUNTAIN MANAGER Top salary plus commission for ex perienced man Call for appointment SK 2 2 44 2 Spray Painters Automobiles salary or piece work to $100 Globe Auto Paint Shops St at Euclid SV 5 7672 "STQCK BOY ull time jib at our Lakewood store Applv at BURROWS BICYCLE Jost boy's at Lyric Theatet ion lxraln Att Ht vard OR 1 3776 COIN purse lst black Van Aken shopping center Oct 2 by elderly ntking woman Reward WA 1 1835 DIAMOND atone lost about 3 carats Eud)d Gcen shopping renter area re ward 8250 KE 1 1638 DOG )o Lake Shore area 6ct71 eve part terrier brown and white male Answer tn Corkey: license plate 51676 Reward MV 1 3 195 DOG lort: Male black and white beagle area 1 23 AnHeIu Reward RK 1 6782 DOG lori ox terrier male black and whim: Roc: River area: reward 1 4226 DOG lost pup brown and black childrens pet: vfciMty 170 Loralv answers Amber:" reward CL I 9761 DOG lost: Tan co*ckee male: vklnify 139 Unlon re ward LO 1 0467 after GLASSER lost: Rhaktr Souafa Reward 1 4906 i Huntnei: 4 Janies ir ani uav pamiiY re 1 nAnww iwi diuf jaihc enwiopv reive friends at 5 K'bu A sori rtype holding Item sentimental value: wnt I a ii V'lwi ci riii miiij rv auu nu aaiu i nV ft6 710 At uneral Catiip 10701 i ni i ri ROSENTl VM A HOI PH Nrth Moreland loved husband nt Ejthe (nee Wrirn: fathr of Refy brrth'r frt Jennie Wertheime alto 2 dren uneral rrvke at the Deu'sch uneral pome 140 Crewfnrd Rd riday Oct 8 at I mrn Mayfield Cemetery In lieu cf flower make w' Winns und amily at home of Tucker 373 Bvndemerr bcrrnnr Jimia i' yea nr: late reritience Columbia Rd: bekved son Edward and Am iRvanri: dear brother Gad Ann and Patrirta: lovinc ran i Mrs tcnminr anq Mrs frenvon ei ruuciai 41" i n'li i n'r Cntld' net GSIM 20Mh ArtT 7 1 intttment Hnly l's bnd: re lMltnr Iotlb brtnrM hurtunq vrSK lost um awntnn contam H' th" i'l lllfnn No i money nd rtonturt' 'M u4 rnen inder mony nd rne jiM rf bin Gthr tn 15736 ri ir i nrw iwia Ajcu and LOIS grandehtldien: 2 grt rt ei rn1 arutffa lk ClAnlrh il nifner 14 1 I ni 'q xa a Ill kur tan l' reii ririiiir' nun rcj rn i "iirnnii i rm vauri with lamnv I 4 fit a I 11 I'm 1 11 a a a a Aaa a I a a I I a A a in rn ii ivi'I cilia I 'oiur i ai la Baa a al B1 66 15 ill lll 4 6 A defending smiih Aim inrr mn fid 'With iwlfe of jA rph Harter cf war i diamond Keffer' ours' a West ren ilrirr rf Carl Wellbore sndisida reward WI 1 SR32 follow: "llTrnb 'Since 1795 Treedwy Ave riend E' pbie may en nt the A Son A All Btrvtcea at (PR 1RH70 Rm 7136 Plain Dealer St Lutheran Thurrh rlrtav oet ft 30 (c nArRe eut rnrmToftfe SriPKH Hl UN 1306 28U1 Si: JI beloved daughter of johanrs nee Kru i TORI) TR CTOR juucr nt i a aKa xn im' mn i raari Inaftart lanman Mun tittvrri Anna ftfl LUMlie HIM TienfiS iMman Maige bkyrn rMnaM1 scoops chain licrncr Tn ctor 2Jth 777 Si Broadway hone 3646 A't rmm lOcnevt Church at 9 Inter 2 PLEASURE hones 6 ponies 42 i my yrotft cmfry i i i i 8r 11 I he field for the men dim ot am st emir beloved lu cann of Josephine drip rf iw p'un' svi inations which also begins I PntnenU rullne Wirue ol ood feed nd rre CH 7 '114 Satnrrinv (W 1G at I nr in reicr atu jerone oaiuruax UCl XU at UCUU dfiDh Xiindfathe nr Lancs was filled with 48 en irnl'her un'i BK 't 47 tries The A is accept Home' UH St Ave Sen ITHOROrGHBBED mare a yr: nlei Ice Si Vltu' 9 U'C or bo: ouM ME 1 5444 ing application for any alter (MuniR mrk ot 1 4mTe sth wanted 3 horse trailer van nates who may wish to com Minted wife of Martin: mc lhet otjHA 3 1S99 pete in the event of a cancel Emm rth lation Steve Nagy is defend n'd I lector calf'lnc 1 cylinder inn rhamninn I rmrd mat cn at th Z'ehm Ca'c 1 515" 9T04 niltert rQ I tf('M ljn3j Sc vlees 5turdy Ort 9 tt 2 An organization meeting i' 7 for the Cleveland Heights moieer tut John ncifi and "(r alunior Bowling League win Thompson grandmother of John lie held tomorrow' afternoon Thandu at 1:30 o'clock in the Heights High auditorium the King Church Noble snd Trrrsc teams arc deadlocked oct at 9 irit in Hni 1 vrincr 211 nisi piacc in inc oouincasi( r3lh Rl ftQrbn Of I Traveling League Twenty K''n': ar rT 1 rM 1 virgmta tnd Mr? Jw Prr'y bwthr Grand Marceline and GckL Krinrt en Pin The league meets to mrrrrrtv tH' ht Triikt Lnran Ave murrey WtolU I Prvt $unfir Oct 8 133 fli 1 Oct 6 riends niity fill at Younx Kcebler uneral Hom 1966 S'ld ij'Uil I rldtf Services at Epworth Euclid riday Oct 8 at 4 KY ANNA 'vihrani 267 111401' VX 1'1 I I I I SI'' rt nfil I run IT mother of Edward A rances Mc I 1 Uphl I II I 111 I I 1 1 I fJouh 2 TO 5 AND 7 TO I Ui I 111 I LI 1 I 10 RIDAY at the Seiba 'Ural Hom 13130 Madiron Mr All Saturday Oct 9 at 1:30 ifrom Ge 'humane Lutheran Church A iM'tl MadUon Ave corner St Chari! con Total of 48 Entries Will Glt" PAIL Moved hutband of Violet fa of Mr Mane Gred Gene? and Pnbert xon of Nirorio and joaephlnc brother 'V Angrlo and Mrs May Bertoionl: la residence 9205 nvr rririiua ran i me An all time record entry Berry uneral Home 7200 Detroit Ave mi nn KrvJre riday Oct 8 at 10 for the Cleveland womens' 1 KI 1(11 MMIHUM (MUIR) match Eam bowling tourna 9T Wife nt Ute late red! beloved fe 1 mother of Wilma Mm Seder ment and the Plain Dealer br? oi Hndiwuy I John Burry and Hny cf Ken diamond medal WHS In DOS lucky the late Pauline red and Qiamonu JDlUttl Hl Mnebv gndmother and great pect after the field increased to 40 last night Tournament Secretary Mary Jannctto an nounced Widrtsnrpad interest and hiiDL MtlLii cf Camp WiaCpiRn inieitH Solon beloved wife cf John: mother Ksatr rv 4 i rr hi rt1v Itlc Yrm'U Humhel: of UUllCt 'U Janie jr ano yavq inn ennson for the surge in lequests for entry Mrs Jannctto said With the deadline set for tomorrow it looks as if the list may reach 48 contestants and in that event the field will be dhided into two squads This is the first time in the history of the tournament that the original field of 36 has been filled to weeks be fore the competition starts An 18 gamr qualifier at Play house Square Howling Center ow1 is scheduled for Oct 16 Wanda Navman Sollingcr entered last night to bring the total to 40 Airs' Helen Hosta is champion Entries to date Marie Schmidt Rora JunnrUr Jean Schultx sky Jean Justm Mary PrimoBch Helen uneral 4334 pearl rd7 1 a 1 ati uur raitA iuioi viva it wmiiias "i imciir imii" 11 1 uci' tnvi I Juhn Ruth WeucT Thelma PrlinefiU jo Ltnon pnt nenny emce rri ftn June uieweuy cbifib aim ia rrn' artir Mre Cm lid PJf' on IH ela VlrAnr Xtif he 1 1 Brians Iftiy SCP'I i i Vil A ft An Krvwon' the Sepd vnerri Hume noth Wheeler Mery David nn Ky Marx Ann Linn Maree Kelch tr Vania Neyman Lois Sollingei Lodgt llaticn 2C Haip Wanttd filale fOjQVRNSRs or CUblUUlAN HSCvru time white tx4 nuintenuice botkr: salary and site re questM to tn4 icomolete fnfcrmaUon APpyraUen ttntn jftiii aiorni ft rn rrqutrin parsed awy at ftl bane north of Weft Henry's Church at 9 a ra hit iband of a uw Arda i deceased father of Mrs Virflnu 1AA DUA'UK t5 I KOUntT or Vw wife nf the Arthur I Ashland and Howard and rrandfalhr mother of Gcnevipe riend may cll at the Matteson ltis i Ute ur lejvKCS Wiu uc Him rr i sra tall at the Danies unera Kme lg 2 3ft Rev William ella 15800 Detr A whe rv ce will eflldauni Interment Wert Salem Cemc tn vVu Howeiklndiy mike contrl WLBI I DU ARD beloved hueband KnmnU Tn tbeG(Ven Ar Club JOHN Md at the borne Uie ja1e Hekrt ne Lcwrrii: tHitionttoJteGoiuen ju biI dUShter Mr Jph Kamer 0( Wr Helen Uterbardt Mrs BDRRILLI RANK beloved buibanfl 351 0 Granxr Rd Mrrieea and bund Lucille Gardner: Edward and Howardf Calhenr nr I ib 41 Homeaiead Pa or rhr and jrandfatber: Thursday Oct 7 rk Eurene John i on call lnneran uneral Home ute rrJ(dwce 2017 44th no jwfpii irnw i Ave The family Klanke uneral ranor i invd huttmd Wnilth andme PhlB: dear Mthercf Richard Ave it oct 9 at i ana roncn aua Kiuinv vetroji rroas brother of LrMl John Jame nril a um anna iinan tz Cemetery BROiskE MM1 KC rtuhter of Dale and Jean tne lale Albert: mother of Emer Hr lu uT It MxmEl'hrinc ot Mn June Ml ir Harold Brurk and Rlen ard Bruck: nd srMt trndmother riend rnar ll at th'3o take MRhards uneral Jinn 15230 Lax Shore Blvd where services will be held Saturday et2 77T? 5lr residence iiXn AV: M'4 lore tee SnoOtr nd Anil on ne lai Joseph arid Vita rtanda received M' 5ay14 rnjrei Md ct Iter' frnt Calvary Cemetery i 41v beiovea win mother ot Mr DllUn llker and Bar mond nd and Leonro nr rT So cal! at the Buch A Sen neral Home 4 34 TO 10 RIDAY servile Saturday Oct 9 at HI Mens Infant rm ot Deniion ot Butternut Rid Elyria Servlet nrt 9 fl wlnwrcht uneral Home Ehrte 'uovolas itormiir st ibr late Morris Duncan Dousim: g1 Mrs Arthur Wtnslo and Hern? Douelas of beth Dinsmore Mr SoiMmott a Dinsmore nd Dinsmo pandUther ct Heatncr Utsh Services 2 Saturday In St Mr tin's Chand rf St Pul ner nt Coventry nd Pell mount Bl vd Tn lieu of flower thou who 'h J0 Jly mki contributions In St Raul Church Memorial und Brown Son A orward service DI (HORGE We peloved husband if Harriett Todd rrindfther ot Robert Todd Due' residence 17400 Ave riends may crit Daniels uneral 1S6o Detroit ahere services will be held riday Ort 3 In lieu flower kindly make dona tion toJLe DUTY sPEhOR belfrvM husband ot Mbel Dice cumme*r i ftl vrnrsr reddence i PRIVATE SERVICES SATVRtJAW fWT 9 In place nf flowers I'lifafn eee1 I Kl 1 1 IO tnft LirVl land Heart LO kty may the Wm Chamber 'nRni' JOHN b'lttVAKT inert Home 4420 Rocky River Dr nt briber mf' Srtierrr: (uneral aervje Saturday Ort 9 liXnf Mrs Blanch Hunyan real Patrick's Church Porky Plver Dr at 151 3 LWln Ave riends may 9 ment Holy Crors mrlerv rll at the Daniels 1 't'f NS MT loving wife ct 15800 Detroit Ave whe ihur Wedndev Qrt 6 blrf Saturday Oct 9 at i Lte horn was at 2R58 Corydon Rd In lieu of Lower klrdly send nn I riend ray call at Melbourne tilbutions to tli Heart und a ont Colonial Hom J2777 Eudl I rm KI 1 h7i orcl I formerly Ave whe lervfcra MH be reducted ih'tii beloved htaoand bv Rev jranklyn McHendry of the Ji iHt ite Amu father of Geuue )r Wl vlerrne PrMytcrtat Church al iLhn V'illlani Mrs Randolph 1 urd ay 9 at and Hihn alw krandlather Mrf HHIN WPsonl Tue dar at BL Petersburg la beloved wife of th late Herbert nn thi at the Geo Lang ru i tjier of Mary Brixt Ruth Kuhn neral Home 95lh at Lorain Ave 'John AIir Carr Arn Gardner ATER 4 SATURDAY bervires Mnfj Thomae sister of Thomu Monday Oct 11 2'3r) I William JT Mary O'allon and Alice Teutsch Lutheran Church i pfpper Tuesday Ort 5 1954 rVnds 89th find Willard imav call at McGorray Bros Lakewood i 1 1 4KD iaie residence Hume 14133 Detroit Ave uneral Vni stth st dear tatlier of SM SMurty Ont 9 st Rose Church Dm til Don Id Clara Kennlwn i 0:30 Member ot A end Card unnel Saturday Oct 0 (Blanch Nnii06 purt uneral Home Albany Ind in 1 MeKEAlt MHKMW daughter nt lerment Hopevell CmeUry armland lf)e at a aM Mardame: aunt Ind or further Information Mil Cor cr Donald William Kenneth Me uneral Home CL 1 7QH0 Kenxle and Marie Louise Baker: at residence 1712 89th St Wednesday 40ALREADyiN or district sale office pans depart ment: Icadlnj auto manufacturer younj man to handle reports records correspondence: must type Write ivine a experience education and salary expected Box 14330 Plain Dealer Assistant INSPECTOR Thoroughly familiar with all phases of inspection methoi on tools die fix ture parts and assembly Only 1st class need apoly WHITE CO 5225 SUPERIOR AVE INSPECTOR Sheet metal fabrication Ex perienced Good hourly rate Company paid medical bene fits Box 15436 Plain Dealer INSURANCE i Experienced casualty claim adjuster supervisory position: bodily injury cases: permament with rood opportunity for advancer ient please submit complete qualifications Box 21315 Ph In Dealer 20 Hu'p Vinftl Male Electro Plating OREMAN be held riday at 130 a beloved husband of Kathryn of Mrs Jean Dan ins Mn The Hilda Louise arrt Rlciy: son of Mn Johannah Hairier and trandlaiher: cnid av ay Tuesday Oct 3: late residence 2411 Tuxedo Ave Parma riends may ca4 at the Tl Bus A b' unral Hom 4334 Psri Rd wre servf be held riday Oct 8 at l30 and Karam I WAsaIL se 34 bekd jw I I lanri nf lnrMV (fU VftEOi: deSt SOH vcr iis may cau vi jtxui iubvvui rtery Mrs Ana Case Dave lav ct Mr anil Mr J'hn yr riends received at the John Hncsu uneral Home 17504 Harvard Ave Clean couple with coal stover Print i a well established and reliable firm has experience Permanent lot for rlran i nrd for a mechanlrei engineer or (llHns Urtrlk fall a wx ri(UI 1CI1X I 'Ml i unmil lll whw 1'iricu experience 'fust be familiar wth de clrnt Brtyelr? nfl rftJ eurt1n? "von Reply to employemeni msnaxer 818 MuibrT Rd Canton Engine Lathe Operator QUIGGIN SON 1512 GREEN RD EV 1 49(10 URNITURE Younj man to work In furniture store: some sales experience salary op pcrtunlty Box 4535 Plain Dealer GARDENER'S helper: Elderly man part tirne 118Q1 Lake Shore Blvd GAS station attendant experienced mechanical ability reference: days 4335 Rocky River Dr Brine containers pick your own: tod quality easy picking: 8350 a buhel: elder red Biens 5010 Hudson Dr 3 miis south ot Hudson 1 mile wert of Darrnu'vIHe RESILiSH rrh 9Rr nr a ir Ih flni' dockage In Hats foot nf Center Street Bridge: also bh House at 3218 Clark Ave Phone EX 1 964 2 ree delivery Jewelers and Gift Shops Whcleaale Jobber llnuldating fine do mestic and imported rosaries at tert then his cost will take a Polaroid camera as part payment Box 69 Chesterland Ohio REWARD Make $75 $50 8100 or more In your spare lime See Jerry or Lester Ideal urniture 1 6500 Euclid We furnish nev cars to dri lo points in the United States including Los Angeles at no charge Suburban Auto Drhe Awav A 1 1592 1909 Tiylor A 1 9474 DUCK BUND or ase between Oak Harbor and ort Lllnon planted with naturd fair cwd shooting or partieuhra write The Zimmerman Co 402 Mt Vernon Ave Columbus PLASTICIZE YOUR CAR: Do It your ctlf now and save It's so eary Plastic seU ri uni and protects your car all winter Advertising price $1 81 1 Prospect Cteve'and GITS to the Heart und in memory of your friends relatives or all! te grateful! acknowledged the CLEVELAND AREA HEART SOCIETY Room 518 2073 9 St TO 1 5173 HiGHEST prices paid for old gold end dlamunus Money loaned on diamonds Sol Bcrcman 401 Prospect MA 1 4330 BAY AIRVIEW RIVER BUSINESSMEN: Why drive downtown? offices in Lskewood Parking EQ 2 3221 AKl AmU DKAb'l IhG miuhie at LiuPr Lcho of Art Udenldi8rount rat OiER COOK Short order: from 3:75 1230 Lnnrl hnlklnv Aivj nw ri iiju a Must be experienced Ord 'RIf: p'ln sd1 and group insurance program Be Will Buy Your Photo toulotnert Kelunt 1879 24 St I BRVAR HiviO SUPPLY 1 4S0S hort order: spilt r'it Lind ir unaoic to come in tor personal interview please sub mit complete resume stating i tr5 1 1 nn ftnrl 5'3rt VMMVWMVII 1W i salary requirements to: ucck 1 to I he MACHINIST Experienced: must be able to set up and operate lathe milling machine drill press etc prefer man with weld ing experience but not necessary to qualify 5 day week good hourly rate many employee benefits Interviewing hours Mon through rl 8:30 11 a and 1 3 American Greetings Corp 1300 73th St Cleveland 01 1 5000 xt MACHINISTS Experienced In all around machinist work afternoon shift High hourly rats OHIO CRANKSHAT CO 3800 1 1 aryard A ve MANAGER BOWLI ESTA LI ENT 6 nights 5:30 to 1:30 a bowling experience not necessary Write past experience and age Box 21531 Plain Dealer rrvirM Saturday at Sava Church at 1 Jo reiioente husband of mrj ran jvnn ana enns cyiv Royif father 01 jsme? vki Ctts'tr riend may rail at rartk lM na brother nt Loui Drlark Son Inr unrls MrJ jrt hofn rt Akron 3866 1311 St Service Clnrbere and Mr Anna lav Cict ft fr'm S' i 1 er phHbv iry MCKrr runria LILLKN riARL inee Har owed wife 4 Herman DRATSMAN: Experienced tn ident map lettering salary oom 800 113 St Clair Driver Salesman Good established route salary and com mission Apply CITY LAUNDRY 7002 Kinsman Rd DRlVER alesman for eri cleaning rout: experienced nly: salary and commission Call after 7:30 SK 2 2 056 DRIVER to solicit dry cleaning: must have experience: ne route lo work on Commission: References Apply Arrow Cleaners: 3539 ulton Rd Drivers Taxicab full time only Mm 23 50: should te of good charac ter should be acquainted with the Hefghts area: lOOri radio equipped cabs: new garage new equipment Ap ply in person only 10 a to 12 noon Commirsion Universal Cab 2863 Noble Rd runersi nome iivui 1 jt frA af Hllt requiem Mau al kl I Jrif sel'eiim'n 1 a Pfrdt on rmate Porillon Male INASCKL Aatomoblte lnanft Lenunil txuns iLtend Dumtttds Jeweliy! lnans Money Hantd Mortgsgn Bought told NOIIUS Drath and anersj NolkM bmirril Directors In Memorlam td( Nothes Lu and Rewards OR Rth Kent Apartments (Ltal inn runer Kent Apartment Overt) heM I Apartment Hotels ti Px Rent taarugrs Morajr orotner oi irnu awi 1 ri chakll ueipvru naainets riarr iw uens Berka Anna Gllh an and Rose riendstand of Nora Margaret ire Berryi: children Boarded for Aged inlands OOD SALESMAN Age 28 35 good car: $90 salary to start plus expenses for trav hng the state of Ohio calling on wnol arid chain stores Reply with bark ground and experience Box 2131 Plain Prater OUNTAIN ATTENDANT WEEK EDS DAYS APPLY 2 TO 5 HOWARD JOHNSON'S K107 St Euclid RONT end and frame man Dm Sill Chevrolet 13725 Kinsman urnace Installers (6) Experienced only Own tools and trans portation High hourly or contract PLENTY WORK Apply In Person CONCORD URNACE 8033 SUPERIOR urnace Service Man Experienced to service heating equip ment hourly rate vacation and mile sdrertistn? of experience In 2 icrating sales force with early promotion must be to to full manager status or Immediate muuiuui pruuui 11130 EVCLID Wm Abd Sons Co ESTABLISHED 1880 15317 Euclid Av 15333 lurlid Ave LIl 1000 GL 1 0614 THE ZIEHM CO 1 1415 GL 1 472 13633 El IC LID GL 1 7656 Merle Owen ft Son GL 1 210a 16049 Euclid at Noble Rd and Alma Lewis: sister of Mathilde at 8 Htf Cliffon Vat Alm fhrt crvfre ft AUriky i ii mi rp iivtu i (reha nvlck of Lute: daughter in law ct Gustav riends may ca'I at Jorte A Well uneral Hem 8806 uclld Ave SerrtcM Saturday Oct 9 12 noon from St Ann's Church Cedar snd Coventry ZlftkA RAYMOND beloved busband of Anna nee h'bah tether Rs mnnd fr Mrs Rita Htebechuk lnvack brother of Ottn John Mr Michael Vateon: son of Mn John rrvjk snd the tete Otto and grand father riend mey call at te Brry unerel Home "oon Drirrt: Avr ureral rorvlrr from St Patrick Cturrh Bridge Ave Saturday Oct 9 at 1030 a In hemoriam ITl family will receive friend ROM residence 5003 2 3 AND 7 10 st the Chare! An k'D ttnT) jYi 4434 LOTS) Lher urday Oct 9 tl: 30Pjm I ten mu 1 ney charlls na GHIlan and Rose riend i may call at the A Tomon it Son ftir of Lrona Patricia Reubek Nor ErooUvn unrsl Hom 4772 Pri Snella snd Carol' Iste ridenee Rd ROM 2 10 uneral servkM jJx4 Hamlen Av amily will re Saturday 930 in from Our Lady lve Diend al the Maher uneralt GoM Chu rtl iom 12019 Woodland Ave Services KOCH JOHN late residence 3 7330 i riday Our Lady of Prac Church Park Ave Willoughby dear tether 1 1 2flth St and Shaker Blvd at IO oi nister Miry ueceiia ae i ceased Sister Helen Marie Mrs Leona Hann stepfather of Mabl Nowak trandtether riends may call at the fwrence McMahon uneral Hom 3001 Euriid Av Willoughby uneral servlets Saturday Oct 9 a at th Jmniacula' Con'? iiuti viiurcn jncermiii vaivary vrme Mrnh'i KOZAK JO5H I 5235 Cato St riend ripie nTix' 1 UCH'ru iivsuim ui hw Mary ne Havlicl: father of Cteren'e ATER George and Norma Micaky St Sav riandfatherr brother of lamas Rnitt Rezabek and th lai Anna Marek 1 fUmiork Mary Vales rank Juhn and Chris rnJ Marei Alurfiav Cif ft HUL'niii at a flowers LAMB HARRY husband of the late Linda tHomi father ot Dorothy iMrs Speer and Margaret (Mrs Warner): grandfather of Stewart WWW al Layout Inc Corp Experienced Cab 57 GA Cab Co Serv EnSL3 1.

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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Author information

Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.