Watch: Patrick Kielty Channels His Inner Swiftie In Eyebrow-Raising Late Late Teaser (2024)



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Watch: Patrick Kielty Channels His Inner Swiftie In Eyebrow-Raising Late Late Teaser (3)

Watch: Patrick Kielty Channels His Inner Swiftie In Eyebrow-Raising Late Late Teaser (4)

Chloe OKeeffe


Patrick Kielty is channeling his inner Swiftie ahead of American songstress Taylor Swift’s three must-see shows in Dublin this summer.

Taylor last played Ireland in 2018 when she brought her Reputation tour to Croke Park for two shows, and now brings the Eras tour to the Aviva Stadium for three sell-out nights.

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While there’s still a bit of time to wait before the Bad Blood singer hits the stage in Dublin, Late Late Show host Patrick Kielty is already getting set for the Cruel Summer.

Watch: Patrick Kielty Channels His Inner Swiftie In Eyebrow-Raising Late Late Teaser (5)

A video shared to the official Late Late Show social media pages, sees the camera operator walking towards Patrick’s dressing room, with the sound of Swift’s tune Love Story blaring from the room.

Upon entering, the presenter and comic can be seen with his eyes closed and busting some moves to the 2008 classic.

In a further nod to Ms Swift, Patrick is wearing a Kansas City Chiefs jersey, with KELCE on the back — Swift’s NFL player beau.

When Patrick opens his eyes to see he is being filmed he says: ‘Can you just knock?! I mean…’ and then gets back into dancing.

‘He’s just really excited for a new @taylorswift album this week,’ the social team captioned the video, ‘Isn’t that right Patrick?’

Social media users flocked to the comments in anticipation of what the video was potentially teasing.

Watch: Patrick Kielty Channels His Inner Swiftie In Eyebrow-Raising Late Late Teaser (6)

‘Is Friday night’s show going to be Taylor themed?’ one asked.

‘Fine. I’ll take 2 tickets,’ another wrote, appearing to think the video is teasing tickets for the upcoming gigs on Friday’s show.

A third joked: ‘Is she on the show?’

Last week, the Down native was joined by Cork singer-songwriter Lyra, former Take Me Out host Paddy McGuinness, Irish author Marian Keyes and rugby sevens player Jordan Conroy.

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With her new self-titledalbumdropping earlier in the day, Lyra didn’t hold back her words when asked by Patrick about some songs her ex may have inspired.

‘There is a good few about him. I haven’t got the phone call. The last time that fella rang me was to dump me over the phone so he’s been blocked since that.’

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Watch: Patrick Kielty Channels His Inner Swiftie In Eyebrow-Raising Late Late Teaser (2024)
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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.