Information presented in this article may be triggering to some people. If you are having suicidal thoughts, contact theNational Suicide Prevention Lifelineat988for support and assistance from a trained counselor. If you or a loved one are in immediate danger, call 911.
For more mental health resources, see ourNational Helpline Database.
The suicide rate among men in the U.S. is about four times that of women, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Viewed another way, men account for almost 80% of suicides but only half the population. Although women tend to experience more suicidal thinking, men are far more likely to end their own lives.
Here are some important things to understand about suicide among men and what you can do if you or a loved one are having hopeless feelings or thoughts about suicide.
Suicide Rate in Men
- The suicide rate in men was highest among non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaskan Native men, followed closely by non-Hispanic white men.
- Research also suggests that, although women attempt suicide more often, men choose more lethal means.
- The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that suicide represents half of all male violent deaths worldwide.
- Men over 75 are at the greatest risk of suicide of all age groups.
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This episode of The Verywell Mind Podcast, featuring psychiatrist Mark Goulston, shares why people have suicidal thoughts, why you shouldn't blame yourself if you've lost someone to suicide, and what to do if you are having suicidal thoughts. Click below to listen now.
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Risk Factors for Suicide
Not every attempt at suicide results in completion, although first attempts are often followed by fatal second attempts.
The most common risk factors for suicide are:
- Being bullied at school, college, or work
- Divorce or relationship breakdowns
- History of physical and sexual abuse
- Imprisonment
- Loss of a loved one through trauma or disease
- Mental illness, particularly depression and painful or debilitating conditions
- Inability to form or sustain meaningful relationships
- Social isolation or living alone
- Unemployment
- Drug and/or alcohol abuse
In older men, suicide is most strongly associated with depression, physical pain and illness, living alone, and feelings of hopelessness and guilt.
Risk Factors and Warning Signs of Suicide
Why the Suicide Rate in Men Differs
In addition to the above risk factors, there are some other theories as to why men are at a greater risk of death by suicide.
- Traditional male gender roles discourage emotional expression. Men are told they need to be tough and that they should not need to ask for help. Such rigid gender norms may make it difficult for men to reach out and ask for support when they need it.
- Depression may be underdiagnosed in men. Men often do not disclose feelings of depression to their doctors. When they do, it is often described as having problems at work or in relationships. Men also tend to describe their feelings as "stress" rather than sadness or hopelessness.
- Men are less likely to seek help for emotional problems. Research suggests that depression is diagnosed less frequently in men because of the tendency to deny illness, self-monitor symptoms, and self-treat.
- Men may be more likely to self-treat symptoms of depression with alcohol and other substances.
Men are also more likely to use lethal suicide methods than women.
Gender Differences in Suicide and Suicidal Behaviors
How to Prevent Suicide in Men
Strategies that both individuals and communities can use to help reduce the risk of male suicide include:
- Watching for signs of depression. Symptoms of depression in men include irritability, social withdrawal, anxiety, loss of interest or pleasure, physical pains and complaints, engaging in risky behaviors, misusing drugs and alcohol, and being unable to keep up with normal daily tasks.
- Offering support. If you notice signs of depression, ask what you can do to help and let them know you are there to listen and help.
- Not ignoring the signs. Avoid dismissing or making light of comments that indicate suicidal thoughts or behaviors. If you hear suicidal talk or statements, encourage them to talk to their doctor or therapist.
Emotional and practical support is important. The listed warning signs don't inevitably lead to suicide attempts, but you should never ignore them.
In such circ*mstances, that individual may not be motivated to seek out help for themselves. It often falls on others to offer support by listening, offering encouragement, and sometimes even challenging the preconceptions people hold about themselves, such as their abilities and worth to society.
People who feel suicidal often report a certain kind of tunnel vision, of being unable to see the broader picture and thinking only in terms of black and white.
Other ways to help reduce male suicide:
- Identify men who are at risk and offer support.
- Teach men coping and problem-solving skills to help them manage challenges with work, relationships, and health issues.
- Make mental health support options readily available.
- Create opportunities that bring people together to form social connections and find support.
- Restrict access to lethal means of suicide, such as firearms and prescription drugs.
How to Create a Suicide Safety Plan
A 2019 study published in the Journal of Mental Health found that receiving support from a trusted and respected friend can be an effective suicide prevention strategy for men. Forming connections with other people who are going through the same thing can also be helpful.
Reframing the idea of seeking help is also important. Men may avoid it because they fear it is a sign of weakness. Finding ways to change this perspective is a critical aspect of reducing male suicide rates. The 2019 study also found that reframing help-seeking as masculine behavior increases the likelihood that men will ask for help when they need it.
Why Do People Die By Suicide?
How to Get Help
Getting help for people expressing suicidal intent or showing the warning signs is all-important.If you or someone you know needs help, there are many people and places where they can turn, including:
- Family doctors
- Psychologists
- Psychiatrists
- Psychotherapists
- Voluntary organizations
- Community mental health centers
- Local hospitals
- Social agencies
You can reach the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline by dialing 988. If you or someone else is in immediate danger, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.
There are effective treatments for depression. Psychotherapy, antidepressants, and often a combination of both can be effective in reducing symptoms of depression and lowering the risk of suicide.
Should You See a Doctor, Psychiatrist, or Therapist for Depression?
The Takeaways
Depression may manifest differently in men than in women, which may explain why loved ones and physicians often miss the signs. Cultural expectations sometimes prevent men from seeking help when they're feeling hopeless or suicidal. However, proven therapies can help men learn to cope, feel better, and get back to their usual lives.
Tips for Living With Depression
8 Sources
Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
Centers for Disease Control. Suicide Data and Statistics.
Griffin L, Hosking W, Gill PR, Shearson K, Ivey G, Sharples J. The gender paradox: Understanding the role of masculinity in suicidal ideation. Am J Mens Health. 2022;16(5):15579883221123853. doi:10.1177/15579883221123853
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Disparities in suicide.
Howarth E, Johnson J. Comprehensive and clinically useful: Review of risk factors for suicidal behaviour in men. Evid Based Nurs. 2022;25(3):103-103. doi:10.1136/ebnurs-2021-103446
National Institute of Mental Health. Men and depression.
Ogrodniczuk JS, Oliffe JL. Men and depression. Can Fam Physician. 2011;57(2):153-155.
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Suicide Statistics.
Stuszycyk S, Galdas PM, Tiffin PA. Men and suicide prevention: A scoping review. J Ment Health. 2019; 28(1): 80-88. doi:10.1080/09638237.2017.1370638
Additional Reading
World Health Organization. Preventing suicide: A global imperative. 2014.
By Jerry Kennard, PhD
Jerry Kennard, PhD, is a psychologist and associate fellow of the British Psychological Society.
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