Iran Attacks Israel and the Propagandists are Out in Full Force (2024)

Iran Attacks Israel and the Propagandists are Out in Full Force (1)

If you’re relatively new to the issues related to Kremlin propaganda and how it’s affecting other countries (including the United States), I recommend reading some background posts I wrote that explains things in more detail along with links to other sites where you can read more to educate yourself.

As you may have heard, yesterday Iran sent a bunch of drones to Israel, which was able to shoot down the majority of them. It marks the first time that Iran has ever carried out strikes against Israeli territory.

Of course the pro-Iran and pro-Kremlin propagandists are working overtime to make social media posts reflecting their point of view, especially on Twitter/X. Exhibit A is Calla Walsh, whom I wrote a previous post about just a few days ago. (She was the one who told the Iranians and Syrians not to try to change their governments because their current authoritarian governments are needed to stick it to the Americans and Zionists. The people there need to just suck it up and continue to live with those authoritarian governments for the greater cause of being the thorns in the sides of those pesky Americans/Zionists.) She has been on a roll since Iran sent out its first drones.

Iran Attacks Israel and the Propagandists are Out in Full Force (2)
Iran Attacks Israel and the Propagandists are Out in Full Force (4)

And those tweets are just the tips of the iceberg. There are many others that she has posted, including the ones written by others that she retweeted.

This is the same Calla Walsh who is facing felony charges stemming from her role in vandalizing the property of the Cambridge, Massachusetts offices of the Israeli defense contractor Elbit Systems. If she is convicted, she could face somewhere between three-and-half to seven years in prison. If I was the prosecutor assigned to that case, I would be closely monitoring all of Walsh's social media accounts and taking screenshots, including the ones that I've just posted here, in an effort to convince a judge to give Walsh the maximum seven years in prison.

Then there is the Gen-Z Lord Haw-Haw Jackson Hinkle. He is really ramping up the pro-Iranian propaganda.

Iran Attacks Israel and the Propagandists are Out in Full Force (5)

He begs his followers to rate the Community Notes on his posts as “Incorrect.” (Basically on Twitter/X anyone who is enrolled in that platform's Monetization program takes a financial hit if any posts he/she makes gets a Community Note providing clarifications or the real truth about what is in that tweet.)

Iran Attacks Israel and the Propagandists are Out in Full Force (7)

He has even taken videos previously shot of fans of Louis Tomilson near the Four Seasons Hotel in Buenos Aires and tried to pass them off as panicking Israelis trying to avoid the coming Iranian drones.

Iran Attacks Israel and the Propagandists are Out in Full Force (8)

And speaking of Jackson Hinkle, recently an Israeli company has found that 40% of Hinkle's followers on Twitter/X are fake. In addition, he was the subject of this recent profile in The New York Times. Personally I found the article to be a fair assessment of Hinkle although I question whether he is even worthy of such attention in The New York Times because all this guy does is sit in his Miami home and constantly churn out his disgusting propaganda, much of which are either partially or completely untrue. There are other propagandists on various social media platforms who are just as vile as Hinkle who are being ignored by the mainstream media. Hinkle should be ignored just like the others but, thanks to the Times, he has become more famous on the mainstream level. The good news is that most of the responses to that article are negative towards Hinkle. Here are a few samples:

He’s a true patriot. (For Russia, that is)

He may be sort of right about some things, but basically he’s an uneducated troll who is trying to monetize his ability to stir up trouble. He’s well worth ignoring.

This man is a shameless propagandist who spreads massive disinformation. He has praised the Syrian dictator Bachar El Assad. He calls for stopping all US aid to Ukraine. He claims Xi Jinping is doing a great job. He likes the Islamic Republic of Iran. It seems the only countries he doesn't like are those with free elections.

The responses indicate that Hinkle will be getting mainly negative attention for the foreseeable future. He definitely won't be attracting too many fans who are his age (he's 24) or younger. In my past posts about Hinkle I mentioned that he'll end up being like Leni Riefenstahl with both a ruined career and reputation after the current crop of wars end and both Putin and Trump die. That is, if he's lucky. Another possible outcome is a fate similar to what recently happened to fellow pro-Putin American propagandist Russell “Texas” Bentley.

Either way, Jackson Hinkle will have earned it.

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Iran Attacks Israel and the Propagandists are Out in Full Force (2024)
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