Whipped Lemon Feta Dip Recipe - 6 Ingredients (2024)

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One quick warning about this lemon feta dip…it’s slightly addicting! My whipped feta dip recipe is a fluffy spread made of feta and cream cheeses along with some flavor boosters like lemon juice and zest, garlic, and olive oil. (My lemon risotto is also made with this bright combo!) Serve up the feta cheese dip with plenty of air fryer pita chips, veggies, and some kalamata olives on the side. And if you want to turn it into a meal? Add Greek lamb meatballs and a simple Greek salad or try these lamb tacos that feature this delicious spread.

If snack-y appetizers are your jam (seriously, my favorite type of meal!), be sure to try my baked brie with fig jam, shrimp ceviche, chili cheese dip, Greek Mezze platter, ranch chex mix, smoked salmon dip, or a charcuterie board (I have Trader Joe’s cheese board, Mediterranean charcuterie board, and Costco cheese board options) next.

Whipped Lemon Feta Dip Recipe - 6 Ingredients (1)

[adthrive-in-post-video-player video-id=”XXAaoDNc” upload-date=”2021-06-29T13:59:02.000Z” name=”Lemon Whipped Feta Dip” description=”EASY whipped lemon feta dip recipe is ready in just 10 min! Serve this feta cheese dip with pita chips and veggies. It’s delish!” player-type=”default” override-embed=”default”]

Cheese is kind of my thing. Friends know that if they come over, they can always count on a good cheese board. (And if you want to learn how to build a gorgeous cheese plate, check out this post and video!)

Family knows that at a get-together, you can find me at the cheese plate.

I think it’s in my blood. I was born and raised in Wisconsin, fondly known as America’s Dairyland, and I grew up drinking milk, eating yogurt and snacking oncheese and crackers on a daily basis. Oh, and playing on dairy farms. Just like my mom, it would be a bad day if my fridge had less than three varieties of cheese at any given time. (And parmesan doesn’t count, that is a staple food, not an “eating” cheese.)

Let’s get to this whipped feta dip, shall we?

Whipped Lemon Feta Dip Recipe - 6 Ingredients (2)

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Table of Contents

  • How to Make Whipped Feta Video
  • Ingredients in Whipped Feta Dip
  • What Kind of Feta Cheese Should I Use?
  • How to Make Feta Cheese Dip:
  • What to Serve with Feta Dip Recipe
  • How to Store Leftover Lemon Feta Dip:
    • Can you freeze feta dip ?
  • More Easy Appetizer Recipes:
  • Helpful Tools to Make Feta Cheese Dip:

How to Make Whipped Feta Video

Ingredients in Whipped Feta Dip

This recipe for feta dip can be made with just 6 ingredients:

  • Olive oil
  • Garlic
  • Red pepper flakes
  • Cream cheese
  • Feta cheese
  • Lemon
  • Chives (optional)
Whipped Lemon Feta Dip Recipe - 6 Ingredients (3)

What Kind of Feta Cheese Should I Use?

Great question! I recommend using feta cheese that is in a block, preferably in a brine. I’ve found this has the MOST flavor and stays fresh, without drying out. It will also keep much longer in your fridge as the brine will keep it from going bad.

Crumbles are ok for salads (though I would still argue for block!), but block will give this spicy feta dip the best flavor.

How to Make Feta Cheese Dip:

This zesty feta dip is ready in just 10 minutes! Here are the simple steps to make it:

  • Saute garlic. Heat oil over low heat and saute garlic until it starts to sizzle, about 1-2 minutes. Remove from heat and add red pepper flakes to oil.
Whipped Lemon Feta Dip Recipe - 6 Ingredients (4)

TIP: Cook over low heat so you don’t burn the garlic.

  • Process cheeses. In a food processor, pulse together cream cheese and feta cheese until smooth. Add the rest of the olive oil, lemon juice and zest, and garlic oil to processor and pulse again until combined.
Whipped Lemon Feta Dip Recipe - 6 Ingredients (5)
  • Plate feta dip. Spread feta spread mixture onto a plate or bowl and top with chives, red pepper flakes, and a drizzle of olive oil.
Whipped Lemon Feta Dip Recipe - 6 Ingredients (6)

What to Serve with Feta Dip Recipe

It’s great for appetizer spreads (add it to my Greek mezze platter!) or as a feta spread for sandwiches layered with turkey, cucumber slices, and fresh sprouts. Or keep it simple and enjoy this lemon feta dip with veggies, air fryer pita crackers, roasted grape tomatoes, and some kalamata olives on the side.

It’s one of those dips that works with anything and everything.

How to Store Leftover Lemon Feta Dip:

Store any leftover dip in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

Can you freeze feta dip?

I would not recommend freezing this recipe for feta dip as cheese can change texture during the freezing/thawing process and you want your dip smooth, not chunky!

More Easy Appetizer Recipes:

If you like this feta dip with cream cheese, you might also like some of these other appetizer recipes:

  • Best Trader Joe’s Cheese Board – DIY your cheese board with these simple steps and two price options.
  • Costco Cheese Board – If Costco is more your style, this DIY cheeseboard guide is for you. Two price options!
  • Ranch Chex Mix – The classic snack mix gets ranch treatment.
  • Dill Veggie Dip – Better than store bought and ready in minutes. You probably have everything you need to make it already.
  • Smoked Gouda Dip – This Whole Foods copycat is spicy, smoky, and slightly addicting.
  • Chili Cheese Dip – Just 3 ingredients and one of the first things to go at a party!
  • Spicy Hummus Dip – Made with fresh jalapenos and fresh lemon juice, this is a delicious twist on classic hummus.
  • Sliders – Everyone loves sliders – I’ve got meatball sliders, turkey sliders, and buffalo chicken sliders.
Whipped Lemon Feta Dip Recipe - 6 Ingredients (7)
  • Food Processor – No matter if you’re making whipped feta dip, hummus, or pesto, you need a food processor. I’ve had this one for 10+ years and still love it.
  • Citrus Juicer – The fastest way to get every. last. drop. of juice out of the lemon.
  • Microplane Zester – One of my favorite kitchen tools, use this to zest the lemon and mince the garlic for this lemon feta dip with cream cheese. It’s perfect for garlic as you won’t have any large chunks.


Whipped Lemon Feta Dip Recipe - 6 Ingredients (8)

Whipped Lemon Feta Dip Recipe

★★★★★5 from 8 reviews

  • Author: Emily Dingmann from myeverydaytable.com
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 5 minutes
  • Total Time: 10 minutes
  • Yield: 8 servings 1x
  • Category: Appetizer
  • Method: Stove
  • Cuisine: Mediterranean
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EASY whipped lemon feta dip recipe is ready in just 10 min! Serve this feta cheese dip with pita chips and veggies. It’s delish!



  • 4 Tbsp. olive oil, divided
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/2 tsp. red pepper flakes
  • 8 oz. cream cheese
  • 8 oz. block of feta cheese
  • 1/2 lemon: zested and juiced
  • garnish: minced chives, red pepper flakes, olive oil


  1. Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil over low heat in a small pan. Add minced garlic and heat until garlic starts to sizzle, about 2 minutes. (Careful not to burn the garlic!)
  2. Remove from heat and add red pepper flakes to oil.
  3. In a processor, pulse together cream cheese and feta cheese until smooth.
  4. Add the remaining 2 tablespoons olive oil, juice and zest from lemon and garlic oil to processor and pulse again until combined.
  5. Spread onto a plate or bowl and top with garnishes if desired.


  • Serve with crackers and veggies.

Keywords: feta dip recipe, lemon feta dip, feta cheese appetizer

Whipped Lemon Feta Dip Recipe - 6 Ingredients (2024)


Why is my whipped feta dip runny? ›

While it's tempting to continue blending to achieve a completely smooth dip, doing so can damage the protein structure in the cheese and prevent it from holding the air that gives a whipped texture. To fix runny feta dip, simply add more feta cheese and blend until the desired consistency is reached.

What is feta dip made of? ›

All you do is blend feta, cream cheese, a smidge of garlic, lemon zest and olive oil in a food processor, then spread it on a plate and sprinkle/drizzle with toppings. It all just takes a lazy 30 seconds.

How can I thicken my whipped feta? ›

You'll notice here the consistency of the whipped feta, and it's your chance to thin it out with extra Greek yogurt and olive oil, or thicken it out with extra feta cheese. Keep processing your feta dip until it's fluffy and super creamy, and feel free to taste so you can adjust seasoning.

Can you over whip whipped feta? ›

Over-mixing can cause the whipped feta to become too smooth and loose its texture. Pulse the mixture a few times to make sure it's well mixed. Get creative with your toppings. Whipped feta is delicious on its own, but it's also a base for other flavors – like fresh herbs, hot honey, evoo or tomatoes.

What is the difference between feta and Greek feta? ›

French Feta is made with Lacaune sheep's milk (if you remember, that's the sheep breed used for Roquefort production). It has a softer and creamier texture that Greek Feta and a milder, less tangy flavor (though it's sharper than Israeli Feta).

What gives feta cheese its flavor? ›

Often made using a blend of milk from goats and sheep, the flavors are imbued largely from their forage, resulting in a texture and taste that varies among regions. Over the years, the popularity of Feta has spawned several variants from other culinary cultures, resulting in unique and delicious twists.

Why is Greek feta so good? ›

The special thing about feta is that although is a matured cheese (3–4 months), retains humidity and acidity, so it helps the digestion of food and doesn't leave a fatty aftertaste. Feta is a Greek cheese (70% sheep milk + 30% goat milk) but a lot of other variations around the Balkans have similar taste and effects.

How do you fix liquidy whipped cream? ›

Add powdered sugar: Mix in a tablespoon of powdered sugar to help stabilize the whipped cream. Add gelatin: Sprinkle a teaspoon of unflavored gelatin over 1 tablespoon of cold water and let it sit for a few minutes. Heat the mixture in the microwave for 10-15 seconds, or until the gelatin is completely dissolved.

Why does feta cheese come in liquid? ›

Of the three, your best bet is the block of feta sold in a brine. This liquid protects the cheese from exposure to air, which will cause it to dry out and could make it taste sour. The brine keeps it protected. Stored in brine, the cheese should stay moist and fresh for up to three months.

Why is my feta not melting? ›

Feta doesn't melt due to its low pH (~4.7).

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